Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hello again!

My internet was down, it wasn't really my fault!
Well it was a bit.
This is why I'm really bad at blogs.

Let's take a look at where we are now!
The last real update was me announcing that we picked stray cats as our subject matter. A whole lot of business has gone down since then (as you probably already know Miss Tong Yin!)

The first thing we did was to go to KL! It was fun and sweaty, and we ended up finding a whole lot of cats!

And thenn we started coming up with ideas for the website, its target audience, the website aims, etc.

Next we did some sketches! Hurray!

And more sketches.

And more sketches.

Plus we worked on the site map and stuff!

Not to mention the copy!

These here are initial character sketches

And these are examples of character development

And currently I am working on the final character illustrations! Of which Fish-faced Mickey is an example (see below)

And now back to drawing! OH MERRY CHRISTMAS MISS TONG YIN and whoever else happens to read this!

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