Sunday, January 10, 2010

And one final post before I print my blog!

These are the printable "colour me" versions of all the cats for the download section!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

oh and i also coloured these two cats!

Desktops for the downloads

Hello again! These are the downloadable desktop wallpapers i did for the downloads section of our site.

We are almost done with the site! Wish us luck Miss Tong Yin!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009




Each of these cats come from a different place!

Eye Que comes from the alley, where the cats are friendly, and live however they want to live!

Scab comes from the bins, where cats go when they don’t have anywhere else.

Papa Cat is from the mamak, where food is all around and cats are spoilt for choice.

Click on any of the three cats and they will show you where they live!


Hey parents!

Here we’ll tell you what our little site is about, and what your kids are (hopefully) going to walk away with at the end of the experience. is a fun and interactive field guide for young kids. Here, the little guys will be guided around three very common locations among the streets in KL, where they’ll meet the sort of cats that live in them!

The purpose of is to expose children to life in KL, showing them that there is a bigger world out there filled with lots of different sorts, from the silly, to the kind, to the stern, to the spoilt! Hopefully this will instil a sense of adventure and explorative zeal in your little ones, which are so important for a child’s formative years.

We hope that through this site, kids will realise that just like people, cats, and indeed all animals, have their own characteristics and personalities that make them special and unique.



Eye Que

Eye Que is the brains of the outfit

Teaching the other cats the way of the street.

Eye Que is the leader of the Alleycats, teaching them how to make it in the world. The rest of the Alleycats rely on him to make sure life in the alley is fun and safe. Eye Que meets this responsibility head on, and enjoys the challenge.


Afrokattt deejays on weekends.

His hair is as big as his heart.

Afrokattt seems to be a tad standoffish when you first meet him, but that is just because he is a bit shy. Once you get to know him, he opens up and you realise just what a delightful and interesting cat is under all that hair.


Marsha is a graffiti artist

But she always cleans up after herself.

Marsha enjoys creating giant, beautiful murals of her artwork. She uses washable inks and paints, so they can be cleaned up easily once everyone has seen and enjoyed it. Marsha really cares about the environment.

Katastrophe Klement

Katastrophe Klement is clumsy

But he never misses a beat!

Katastrophe Klement keeps falling into drains and things, but he does not usually get hurt. Klement is very musically talented though, specifically in the genre of Rhythm And Blues. He rarely makes mistakes with his music.


He is the Walrus.

Spreading the love.

Walrus is very friendly to the lady cats, and wants most of them to become his special friends. Other than that, he does not seem to feel very strongly on any other subject. He enjoys long walks on the beach and his favourite colour is blue.



Scab is a scruffy little fellow,

But he is lovable to a fault.

Not many people might want to pet Scab, since his fur seems to have a life of its own. But those who do get to know this little fellow are pleasantly surprised to find that he is a real sweetheart of a cat, as friendly as anything.

Johnny Fivelegs

Johnny Fivelegs

He has one two three four five legs!

A cat having five legs may seem a very hard thing to believe, but if there is one fact that Johnny will insist is true, it is this one. You may not even realise that Johnny has this special condition until you are told about it.

Mickey Fishface

This is Mickey Fishface.

He is a special cat.

Mickey Fishface seems quite content having such a silly face. His face is silly because it is quite fishy. Mickey is undaunted by this, though, and argues that his face gives him character and makes him quite the unforgettable cat.

Ziggy Stardust

Ziggy really sang

With screwed up eyes and a screwed down hairdo.

Ziggy has crazy eyes, you never know just exactly which way he is looking. But he is lovable enough, due to his sweet and innocent nature and a face that could charm even the most vicious cat-hater. Ziggy is cool.

Burn Victim Cat

Abandoned by his owner

After one time when he sunbathed too much.

Burn Victim cat’s coat is in poor shape. Patches of fur are missing all across his body. But he is an optimist, and still seems quite happy! Burn Victim cat has yet to learn his lesson yet though, and still sunbathes regularly.



Papacat is always busy

And doesn’t often spend time with the family.

Papacat is the leader of the Mamak cats. Papacat is very comfortable amongst people, and almost always just ignores them. But he gets fed anyway, because people think he is a very smart and important looking cat.


Mamacat is a big old worrywart

She is always worrying that her son isn’t getting enough to eat.

Mamacat loves her son, fatcat. Whenever mamacat finds some food, she will make sure that fatcat gets the biggest share of it. In this way, she spoils her kittens, and they never learn to properly fend for themselves.


Fatcat will one day take over the family business

But for now he is fine just eating and sleeping all day.

Spoilt by Mama cat, Fat cat never has to do anything for himself. He sleeps almost all the time, and the rest of it is spent eating. Fat cat is not often given food by people, because he always looks so well fed!


Skinnycat is ever so hungry

And ever so busy fetching food for the rest.

Skinny cat is meek and shy, and scared of everything, even the other cats! People tend to give lots of food to Skinny cat, because of his sallow appearance, but most of the food is taken away by the other cats. Poor Skinny cat!

Maid cat

Maid cat counts the days to her retirement.

When she will move back to Catmandu.

For some reason, Maid cat seems to enjoy helping the other cats. However, the other cats do not seem to appreciate her at all! Maid cat does not seem to take any immediate pleasure from helping others, but she does it anyway.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hello again!

My internet was down, it wasn't really my fault!
Well it was a bit.
This is why I'm really bad at blogs.

Let's take a look at where we are now!
The last real update was me announcing that we picked stray cats as our subject matter. A whole lot of business has gone down since then (as you probably already know Miss Tong Yin!)

The first thing we did was to go to KL! It was fun and sweaty, and we ended up finding a whole lot of cats!

And thenn we started coming up with ideas for the website, its target audience, the website aims, etc.

Next we did some sketches! Hurray!

And more sketches.

And more sketches.

Plus we worked on the site map and stuff!

Not to mention the copy!

These here are initial character sketches

And these are examples of character development

And currently I am working on the final character illustrations! Of which Fish-faced Mickey is an example (see below)

And now back to drawing! OH MERRY CHRISTMAS MISS TONG YIN and whoever else happens to read this!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tsk, I will update you tonight, mister blog!